Adding Dependents to an Insurance Plan (1:19)

Topic Progress:

Insurance carriers cover dependents through a subscriber’s insurance plan. With Dentrix Ascend, you can add dependents to the subscriber’s plan from the subscriber’s insurance info screen or directly from the dependent’s record.

Watch this video to learn how to add dependents to an insurance plan. (Duration: 1:19)

Additional Information

  • Coverage dates always default to the current date. Adjust as needed, to provide full coverage for your patients. You cannot set a dependent’s coverage start date before the subscriber’s start date.
  • Even if subscribers aren’t patients, you still need to add them to Dentrix Ascend; otherwise, you can’t assign their coverages to their dependents. Also, subscribers don’t have to be the dependents’ guarantor to provide insurance.
  • To learn more, read Adding dependents to a subscriber’s insurance plan.