Lesson Topics
- Adding Insurance Carriers and Plans (3:21)
- Insurance Coverage Exceptions Overview (3:08)
- Editing Coverage Tables (2:02)
- Editing Insurance Payment Tables (3:32)
- Creating a Fee Schedule (5:07)
- Assigning a Fee Schedule (5:23)
- Updating Fee Schedules from File (3:26)
- Attaching Fee Schedules to In-Network Insurance Plans (2:36)
- Creating a Percentage-based Insurance Coverage Table Template (3:51)
- Activating and inactivating automatic contracted write-offs (Article)
- Setting Up HMO Insurance Plans (3:15)
- Importing Copayment Coverage Tables (2:31)
- Changing Secondary to Primary Insurance (1:18)
- Setting Up Secondary Insurance Coordination of Benefits (2:52)
- Insurance Overpayments Workflow (4:47)
- Setting Up Predetermination Reminders (4:31)
- Troubleshooting Insurance Estimate Errors (4:24)
- Migrating Insurance Plans (2:07)
- Merging Insurance Carriers (3:08)
- Generating the Outstanding Claims Report (3:44)
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