Sometimes when you enter an insurance payment, you will notice that the insurance carrier paid more than expected. This may happen when a fee schedule is outdated or when there is improper coordination of benefits between the primary and secondary insurances. Whatever the reason may be, you will need to account for the overpayment to ensure that your Ledger is balanced.
Watch this video to learn how to record an overpayment in Dentrix Ascend. (Duration: 4:47)
Additional Information
- For additional help with handling overpayments, read Insurance Overpayments FAQs.
- For more information about using adjustments in Dentrix Ascend, read Common Adjustments & How to Use Each One.
- Your user role must include the Manage ledger options right in order to modify adjustment types.
- Your user role must include the Create charge adjustment right in order to add adjustments.
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