Editing Insurance Payment Tables (3:32)

The Dentrix Ascend payment table allows you to enter and store the amount that an insurance plan has paid for a specific procedure. This allows you to see precisely what the insurance portion will be, thereby improving future insurance estimates When you enter an amount in the payment table for a procedure, Dentrix Ascend will then use the payment table amount, instead of using the coverage table, to calculate the amount that insurance will pay for a given procedure code, for all patients covered under the same plan and location.

Watch this video to learn how to edit insurance payment tables. (Duration 3:32)

Created August 2024

Additional Information

  • Two user rights must be assigned to use Payment Tables. They are for two different situations:
    • Manage Payment Tables (under Insurance) grants the ability to edit the whole payment table for a given plan.
    • Claim Payment Table Updating (under Ledger) grants the ability to update the payment table just for the procedures attached to the claim during claim payment entry.
  • The payment table feature is turned off by default. To turn it on, go to Settings > Ledger Options > Ledger Rules and toggle the Payment Table amounts should supersede coverage tables switcher to Yes. Enabling this feature will not affect any estimates until you add Payment Table information.
  • To ensure that the amounts in the Payment table are accurate, you should not include the deductible. If a patient owes a deductible, that amount will be calculated using the deductible and coverage percentage information from the coverage table.
  • To learn more about editing insurance payment tables, read Editing payment tables.