The Calendar include colors and icons that give you appointment information at a glance. You have the option to color your appointments two ways: by provider, or by procedure. Color by provider emphasizes who is performing the procedure; color by appointment emphasizes what procedures are scheduled. Whichever method you choose will be shared by your entire location.
Watch this video to learn about Appointment Colors. (Duration: 2:51)
Additional Information
- If you choose to group procedures by treatment categories, you can for example search “D0” to list all procedures D0100 – D0999 and do a select all to speed up sending a range of procedures to a category. You can move individual codes later.
- You see a hexadecimal number next to your color selection. This is an HTML color code. This is an HTML color code. If you know a precise value for your color, you can type that code into the box. For help picking complementary colors, visit a site like HTML Color Codes for ideas.
- To learn more about setting up appointment colors based on procedure, read Customizing appointment colors and layout.
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