Did you ever have a patient show up for an appointment, only to discover that the lab case hasn’t arrived from the lab yet? Dentrix Ascend helps you avoid this awkward situation by adding a lab case note to the patient’s appointment and the ability to easily see appointments with associated lab cases. When you attach a lab case to an appointment, you can also see right from the patient’s appointment what lab the work went to, when you expect it to return, and whether it has arrived.
Watch this video to learn how to attach a lab case to an appointment. (Duration: 1:10)
Additional Information
- The entire organization shares lab names.
- When you create a lab case, an “L” icon appears in the appointment. The “L” will change from blue to white to indicate that the lab case has been received. When you set the lab case status to Received, the icon colors reverse.
- In the Lab name field, start typing to find and select an existing lab. If the lab name does not yet exist, type the name and then click Create Lab. Use the Create Lab dialog box to finish creating the lab record.
- To learn more about attaching a lab to an appointment, read Attaching lab cases to appointments.
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