There are many scenarios where you may need to post a credit adjustment to the ledger. Sometimes it’s a mistake; other times it may be to educate your patient. For example, a filling may need to be redone but you want your patient to see what the cost of the procedure would have been and also that you have taken off the charge.
Watch this video to learn how to post a credit adjustment to the ledger. (Duration: 0:58)
Additional Information
- The date will automatically populate to today; however, you do have the ability to back-date an adjustment if need be.
- The patient name populates automatically in the Apply charges for dropdown if you start from a patient ledger; you must select the patient if you start in the guarantor view.
- Only unpaid procedures show in the credit adjustment box. If there are no procedures to apply a credit adjustment to, the money will be in the unapplied credits box in the account.
- If a credit adjustment is applied to a specific patient but not assigned to a procedure, the adjustment will be an unapplied credit in the guarantor view and that patient view. Only that patient can use that credit. If you view another family member you will not see the credit.
- If you apply a credit adjustment to the guarantor, an unapplied credit can be applied to the family account and can be applied to any family members as charges arise.
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