Viewing the Aged Receivables Report (2:41)

Topic Progress:

It is vital for the health of a practice to follow up on unpaid accounts.  When patients walk out of the office without paying their portion, statistics show that every day a balance sits on a patient account it becomes harder to collect.  Unpaid balances show up in the Aged Receivables report.

Watch this video to learn how to view your Aged Receivable report.  (Duration: 2:41)

Additional Information

  • Your user role must have Financial Reports rights in order to access this report.
  • If you choose to include accounts with claims pending, the number of claims associated with a given account appears in the CP (claims pending) column on the report.
  • You can sort the report by guarantor name or by the outstanding balance, by clicking the sort arrows next to the column name.
  • When you select the Print button the report generates in a new tab. If you don’t want to print the report you can just keep that tab open to reference as you work in another open Ascend tab.
  • You can copy (Ctrl+a, Ctrl+c) the Print page and then paste it into an Excel spreadsheet (Ctrl+v) to gain the ability to further sort or filter the report.
  • To learn more about aged receivables reports, read Viewing the Aged Receivables Report.