Using Tags to Filter the Document List (1:22)

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The longer you use Ascend, the more documents collect in your patient’s Document Manager.  It’s easy enough to find things when there is only a document of two, but as their information grows it is important to use tags to help you quickly find the documents you are looking for. Using tags in Dentrix Ascend is like putting your documents into folders to keep them organized.

Watch this video to learn how use tags to filter the document list. (Duration: 1:22)

Additional Information

  • You can only “edit” (add or remove tags) one document at a time.
  • Patient Forms are automatically tagged when a form is completed online.
  • Patient pictures are automatically tagged when they are captured or uploaded as a picture.
  • When you create a new tag, everyone in the office can see and use it.
  • Tags are easy to duplicate, so encourage everyone in the office to apply the same tags to the same types of documents.
  • A tag once created cannot be deleted from the tag list.