Filtered Patient Lookup (2:09)

Dentrix Ascend includes the ability to limit the scope of patient search results based on the patient’s preferred location and the user’s access rights. For most users, this means that when they search for a patient name, the results are filtered. The main benefit of this approach is removing irrelevant search results for the users in each office of a multi-location organization. Users in a central management office or operations managers who visit multiple offices, however, can have full access to the entire patient database.

Watch this video to learn how and where this feature works. (Duration: 2:09)

Additional Information

  • The advanced patient search will always find all patients in all locations when you search using the patient’s first name, last name, and birthdate.
  • When adding new patients, Dentrix Ascend will perform a check across your entire organization, and you will be warned of a possible duplicate if the full name and birthdate matches another patient who is already in the system.