Fee Schedule Procedure Search and Inactive Filter

While you are adding or modifying a fee schedule in Dentrix Ascend, you can now search for a procedure in the fee schedule, and you can show and hide inactive procedures. To search for a procedure, begin typing a code or description in the Search by code/description box, and continue typing as needed to narrow … Read more

Statements Filtered by Billing Type

Assigning billing types in Dentrix Ascend is a great way to categorize patient accounts. With this release, you can now filter a batch of billing statements to include statements for only those guarantors who have been assigned one of the billing types you specify. To generate statements for accounts with specific billing types, do the … Read more

Fee Schedule Management Enhancements

To make it easier to work with fee schedules, Dentrix Ascend has introduced several usability features. New Learning Content New ePrescribe Videos  In the last release, we announced that we are starting to transition to Veradigm as the new vendor for ePrescribe. This change is to consolidate providers across all Henry Schein One practice management … Read more