New Security Right for Viewing Production Amounts on the Calendar

With this release, there is a new security right: “View Production.” To view production amounts on the calendar, this security right is required. By default, all user roles that have the “Review Schedule” right are granted the “View Production” right. If you remove this right from a user role, the corresponding users will not be … Read more

Ortho Patient Indicators on the Calendar

As in a previous release (see the release notes for “Flagging and Identifying Ortho Patients”), you can flag a patient as an orthodontia patient. With this release, there are new visual indicators that allow you to easily identify an orthodontia patient. These visual indicators are located in the following areas of Dentrix Ascend:

Multi-location Scheduling

Prior to this update, the only way to schedule appointments across locations in Dentrix Ascend was by switching locations. Now, you can schedule an appointment in various locations without having to switch locations. This new multi-location scheduling functionality can help you boost scheduling efficiency and find openings for patients at other locations throughout your organization. … Read more