There are times when you need to void a credit card payment. This can happen if your patient pays for a procedure before seeing the doctor, but the procedure cannot be completed that day; or maybe, an accounting error occurs when estimating a patient’s insurance coverage. For these situations, Dentrix Ascend Pay, an integrated add-on, can help you quickly and easily void the payment.
Watch this video to learn how to void a credit card payment using Dentrix Ascend Pay. (Duration: 1:30)
Additional Information
- You can void a credit card payment until 10 PM on the date of the payment; after that, you can process a refund.
- You can transfer only the full payment amount back to the patient’s credit card.
- You can add tags and notes regarding the voided payment in the Edit Charge (+) Adjustment dialog box; however, the only field that can be changed is the Provider.
- To learn more about voiding credit card payments, read Voiding credit card payments.
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