Updating Payment Tables While Entering Claim Payments

With this release, you can now quickly update an insurance plan’s payment table while you are entering an insurance payment. You can now easily save payment information from an explanation of benefits (EOB) without having to leave the patient’s ledger and edit the insurance plan’s payment table. New Security Right To update a payment table … Read more

Insurance Estimates Using Payment Tables

With this new phase of the payment table features, you can enable or disable payment tables to respectively allow or prevent the amounts entered for procedures in payment tables to override coverage tables percentages. Initially with this update, payment tables do not affect insurance estimates; to allow payment tables to be used for calculating insurance … Read more

Insurance Payment Tables

An insurance payment table is a list of procedures and what a payer pays for each of those procedures. For the first phase of the payment tables feature, you can add, edit, and remove procedures, and insurance estimates are not affected; that will be implemented in the next phase. When this feature is fully implemented, … Read more