Previously, Search for Openings Improvements (Phase 1) was released. Now, phase 2 of this feature is being released.
For the new Template Search, the filters are different from the Manual Search filters in the following ways:
- There is no Which Appointment Providers filter.
- There is no Which Operatories filter.
- There is a Schedule Template filter. On the list, select the checkboxes that correspond to the scheduling templates that you want to include in the search.
- The Appointment Duration filter has an additional option: Template Length. With this option selected, an opening is included in the results only if (1) the total duration of any of the selected templates for the Schedule Template filter is not longer than the opening and (2) nothing is booked on the template.
Note: For a template search, openings are based on template or operatory availability NOT provider availability.
Also, for both manual and template searches, the results are now grouped by day.

Note: For either a manual or template search, when you select a patient, the selections for the Which Day of the Week and Time Range filters correspond to that patient’s preferences by default. Also, any changes that you make to any of the filters persist for the next time you search for openings with that patient selected until you log off.