New Patient Forms

With this Dentrix Ascend release, an all-new, enhanced form builder will soon be available for select organizations. Once you create and publish forms, you can send requests to patients to have them complete the forms that are due. Also, forms can include a list of medical conditions and allergies that you specify from your Dentrix Ascend database.

Form Builder

To create a form, do the following:

1. On the Settings menu, select Form Builder.

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The Patient Forms page opens on a new browser tab.

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Note: You can create forms for new patients and patients of record.

2. Click Create Form.

The All Templates options appear. You can create a form, starting from scratch or using a template.

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3. Click Blank or Health History Simple.

The Form Builder page opens.

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The panel on the left contains all available elements that you can add to the form.


These standard elements correspond to patient information that can update data in your Dentrix Ascend database.

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  • The ID Scan element allows a patient to use the camera on his/her mobile device to take a picture of a driver’s license to populate some patient information on the form automatically.
  • The Insurance Scan element allows a patient to use the camera on his/her mobile device to take a picture of an insurance card to populate some insurance information on the form automatically.


These custom elements correspond to information that cannot update data in your Dentrix Ascend database.

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These static elements are for the presentation and functionality of the form. You can add text, such as headings and paragraphs. You can add images. You can add buttons, such as a reset button and a submit button.

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These layout elements are for laying out the form. You can add tabs and steps to break up the form into smaller chunks instead of having one long form page to scroll through. You can add a container to group elements visually. You can add columns and lists.

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The center area is the form preview area. You drag elements from the left to the preview area and arrange those elements as desired.

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The panel on the right provides options for the form (if no element is selected) or a selected element on the form.

4. With the form container selected (not an element on the form), under Properties, enter a Name for the form.

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5. Perform any of the following tasks to build/modify the form.

You can drag a Layout element, such as Steps, to the form.

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You can drag a Sync element, such as Patient Basic Information, to the form.

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To view a different step, select it.

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Then, you can drag another element, such as Responsible Party, to that step of the form.

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To add a step, click the Add icon (plus sign).

A blue line with a dot and a star

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Add other steps and elements as needed.

Notice that, with tabs and steps, a Finish button is included automatically for the last item.

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If you do not use steps or tabs, you must add a Submit button manually. Drag it from the Static elements list to the form.

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To change the label of an element, such as a step, select it, and then change the Label.

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Here are some examples of changes you can make to elements:

Type and Content (for a heading).

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Align (centered on form).

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Required (a response is required).

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List of selections (in this example, only one option can be selected). For the first option, enter a value and a label; for each subsequent option, click Add option, and then enter a value and a label.

Text, On label, and Off label (for toggle/switch)

To resize an element, drag its edge to the left or right.

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To remove an element, select it, and then click the Remove button (trash can icon).

The vertical toolbar to the left of the preview area allows you to switch from editing the form to previewing the final look and functionality of the form.

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6. Click Settings to specify a patient type, a frequency, and the locations of your organization that this form is available in.

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7. Then, click Save & Close to return to the Form Builder page.

8. Click Finish.

You are returned to the Patient Forms page, and the form you created appears in the Forms list.

Note: By default, the Status of the form is “Unpublished.”

9. To publish the form, in the Actions column, click the corresponding ellipsis (…) to view a menu, and then select Publish.

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The Actions menu also provides options to edit, unpublish, delete a form; duplicate a form if you want to create another form based on the existing form, and change a form’s settings.

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To edit a form, in the Actions column, click the corresponding ellipsis (…) to view a menu, and then select Edit Form.

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Note: After you edit a published form, its status becomes “Unpublished,” so you must re-publish it to make the form available to patients.

Manual Requests to Complete Forms

As with previous versions of Dentrix Ascend, you can send requests for patient forms to be completed using the following methods:

  • Bulk automated appointment reminders – Each appointment reminder that Dentrix Ascend sends out automatically by email and text message can include a button (with email messages) or a link (with text messages) that a patient can use to open the portal where he or she can complete online forms.
  • Individual manual request – You can manually send an email or text message with a link to a patient, such as when a patient accidentally deletes the text message for his or her appointment reminder.

To manually request patient forms, do the following (this is patient specific):

In Dentrix Ascend, open a patient’s Overview page, and then click Request Form in the upper-right corner of the Patient Forms box.


  • The published forms that have been created using the new Form Builder appear, and you can send requests for patients to complete any of those forms. You cannot send requests for patients to complete any forms that were created using the old Patient Forms tool; however, any of those forms that were completed by patients remain associated with the respective patient records.
  • Outstanding form requests from the old system will still work for the two weeks that those links are valid.

The Request Forms dialog box appears.

The dialog box looks different from before, but functions similarly.

Note: You can no longer register kiosk devices or push requests to those devices. However, patients can still complete forms on a practice-owned mobile device.

Do one of the following:

  • Request By Text – To send the portal link to a mobile phone number, select the desired number from the list, and then click (or tap) Text Link. This button is available only if the patient has a mobile phone number entered in his or her record. The mobile phone numbers of the patient and his or her primary contact are available for selection.
  • Request By Email – To send the portal link to an email address, select the desired address from the list, and then click (or tap) Email Link. This button is available only if the patient has an email address entered in his or her record. The email addresses of the patient and his or her primary contact are available for selection.
  • Direct Link – Do one of the following:
    • To copy the portal link to the clipboard, click (or tap) Copy Link. You can then paste the link in a document or email message for the patient.

      Note: The link will expire two weeks from the date that it was generated (the date you opened the Request Forms dialog box). After that, you must generate a new link if the patient still has not used the original link that you provided.
    • To open the patient’s portal on another tab of your Web browser (for instance, if you are opening it on a practice-owned mobile device that the patient can use to complete forms in the office; be sure to close any other Dentrix Ascend tabs before giving the device to the patient), click the Open forms in a new tab link.
  • QR Code – To access the portal link on a mobile device, use the camera on that device to scan the QR code, and then tap the link that appears on the mobile device.

The new patient portal opens and lists the forms that are due for that patient.

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The patient clicks Begin to complete the forms.

Including Medical Alerts on Forms

You can also flag the problems and allergies that you want to have appear on any form that includes the “Medical Conditions” and “Allergies” elements. Only the medical alerts you have flagged in Dentrix Ascend will be available for a patient to select on the form. 

To edit a medical alert

1. On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Medical Alerts Library.

2. Select a medical alert.


3. Set the Include on patient medial history form(s) switch to Yes.

4. Click Save.