You can now provide a partial refund for a credit card transaction. You no longer have to post a full refund and then collect the correct amount from the patient.
Note: If the payment is up to 45 days old, all or part of the amount can be refunded only to the original card. If the payment is over 45 days old, the full amount can be refunded to any card.
To post a partial refund
1. Click a credit card payment on a patient’s ledger.
2. In the Edit Payment (-) dialog box, click Refund to open a menu, and then select Partial Refund.
3. In the Enter Charge (+) Adjustment dialog box, enter the Amount to be refunded.
4. Click Process.
The refund is processed, and then the Edit Charge (+) Adjustment dialog box appears.
5. Do one of the following:
- To view the original payment, click the See related credit card payment details link.
- To print a receipt, click Print Receipt.
- To close the dialog box, click Save & Close.