Revenue Management

Increase your cash flow with the Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Solution tools in Dentrix Ascend. Review the videos below to learn how to improve your cash flow.   Duration: 55 minutes * These services and tools are purchased separately from your Dentrix Ascend subscription. Related Lessons: Insurance Claims, Ledger, and Billing. Additional Resources

Online Booking

Dentrix Ascend helps you offer patients the flexibility to book online while still maintaining full control of your schedule.  Watch the videos below to learn how to perform tasks related to online booking. Duration: 45 minutes Additional Resources

New User Resources

Welcome to Dentrix Ascend! You are probably here because you are brand-new to the Dentrix Ascend practice management platform. You have started on a path to learn how this tool can help you and your practice succeed. Complete this course to get started with Dentrix Ascend. Additional Resources